Monday morning, I learned Jeff had made it back home to Utah, safe and sound. I gave a prayer of thanks and my heart was happy. I spent the day shopping for gifts - friends and family who are celebrating soon or while I'm away in Utah. My oldest son, Rob, will celebrate his birthday this week. The daughter of a gal I visit teach will be baptized on Saturday, and I won't be able to attend. Another good friend who I also happen to visit teach will be having a birthday next week, and there's a bridal shower planned for my friends son, and a friend of my son. Things continue and the world goes on. I enjoyed shopping and picking out those special items for each of these wonderful people, which made me stop and think about how true the saying "This too shall pass" really is. I find comfort in this, although I know if I were grieving a loss, it would mystify me. I guess it's God's way of helping us through. We hold those we lose in our hearts, and then we go on. We take what we can from the experience, both good and bad, and we learn from it.
I am especially excited because I will soon be with my family in Utah as the arrival of my new grandson is literally days away. I learned today that I will not be able to be along side my daughter as she gives birth via C-Section, but although I want to help in whatever way she needs, I revel in the knowledge that I'll be able to hang out with Porter and enjoy our time together. It wasn't that long ago I was there, so I'm expecting he'll be excited and happy to see me this time, and not so hesitant. I guess I have some 'racing' ahead of me, and that's just fine. I hope I can help him accept and enjoy his new baby brother, but knowing his personality, he won't need help at all. What a loving child he is. A joy to my heart.