Friday, August 20, 2010

I forgot.....literally!!

I had a wonderful surprise last week with a visit from Stacy, Porter and Tyson, accompanied by Jeff!! What a great week we had. I was so thrilled to have the unexpected opportunity to see my kids and grandkids, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I was especially happy to have Jeff stay around the house which he typically doesn't do when he visits. The boys (Rob, Jeff and Kyle) are on a fishing bug right now, so they did have fun going off fishing a few times.

Now I have this wonderful camera I bought specifically so I could take great pictures of my grandkids when they came. Do you think I even thought to take it out and snap some pictures?? No, I sure didn't. So here are some pictures 'Stacy took' while visiting California. Gee whiz, where is my memory lately?? Okay, there is ONE surprise one that even Stacy hasn't seen..... :-)

While they were visiting, they helped me spiff up my resume'. I have since gotten two calls, and an email for testing at SMUD, a utility company here in town. The first call didn't amount to anything, but I have an interview next Thursday at a property management company in Roseville, and I'm taking the SMUD test Saturday the 28th. I really didn't think I wanted to apply for the SMUD job, but it was paying so well, I thought 'what the heck'. Then, to be invited to test for it, I was pleased. I've been working on brushing up on my accounting knowledge (oh my gosh....I am so not ready for a test) in the hopes I can add to what I already know. I just started today and plan to work on it till my test, but so far, I'm really over my head. I just figure I'll keep working and working at it until it either sinks in or I die trying. I feel that the added information can only help me in any job I eventually land, but it's been so long since I've tried to do any book learning and study. I do great when someone trains me on something, but to try to read and absorb all I want to learn, well, it's been eye opening.

I have to say, for as much as I've been whining about not working, I'm discovering that I'm getting kind of lazy as the months go by. I stop and ponder whether I'm nuts to give up my lifestyle of waking whenever I want, basking in the sun, reading good books, and being around when my kids visit. I know that I'm much happier when I'm productive, and in reality, unemployment won't last forever. But sometimes, when I'm really enjoying my time, I hesitate and think "What are you doing??". Of course, I was able to be off work at a really great time of year. The weather from the time I was laid off right up until now has been wonderful. I can't help but wonder how I'll feel when the weather changes and it's rainy and cold and I have nothing to do. I do feel very blessed, though, that I was able to enjoy the time I did have to just hang out and do nothing. I hope I can get a visit into my dad before I go back to work. It's been way too long.

One last note: I have really been enjoying my calling as the Young Women's President. I love the girls in our ward, and I'm loving this opportunity. We have three new girls who moved in this month, so that's fun too, getting to know new sweet spirits. I hope I can be a good example for them and help them to stay grounded and on the right track. What a fantastic experience this is, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Patience is a Virtue!!!

Okay, you'd think I'd be so happy having lots of time off, not working, basking in the sun and reading? Actually, it sounds pretty darn nice. And in fact, it is.

But I'm going absolutely stir crazy. How long does it take from the time you send in a resume' till the time you get contacted?? Now I know I won't get calls from every job I apply for, but goodness, shouldn't I hear from some?? I know, I know. It's only been two weeks at the most, and some are only days out there. But I'm getting really anxious and frustrated. I keep looking at the phone, willing it to ring!!!

I try to stay busy, and the fact of the matter is, I have probably read between 50-75 books since I was laid off. I love to read, and I love sitting in the sun. Why complain? I'm getting a nice tan, and I've discovered the uplifting experience of reading books written by LDS authors. It's really helped me increase my testimony. I don't mean to whine, I guess I'm just anxious to get back to work and start contributing to society. I need to finish a cross stitching project I started for my grandson, Tyson. But I just don't feel motivated to do any of that, and I feel sort of depressed that I don't have a job lined up. I know there are a lot of people in my boat, and I'm grateful that we're not struggling financially. I keep praying for a good job to come my way, and I know that it will when the time is right. Of this I am sure. And, of course, I am being fairly selective as to what I apply for. I guess I need to just calm down and wait for the right thing to come along. I hope I don't go crazy in the meantime.